It is often the case that the finishing touches to a large installation can provide a major difference to the aesthetics and performance of a data centre. With this in mind, we have collated a selection of products to complement any data centre installation.
These include brush penetrations through the raised floor to bespoke high level cabling frames.
Ladder rack, cable falls & raceway solutions should also be considered to maintain a dedicated path for cable and fibre. A full range of these product is available on request.
A full range of retro fit LED lighting solutions are available and these units can be connected to aisle containment solutions or enclosures within the data centre.
Aisle containment and security cages can be provided in a bespoke format to integrate with any free standing enclosure or building restrictions.
To assist with the planning or performance monitoring of the data centre, bespoke management and control software is available or a simple environmental survey would help with the ongoing efficiency and energy saving targets.